You must select a version of XAMPP with a PHP version supported by your version of phpBB. The newest versions of XAMPP can be downloaded from their main download page. Your browser should have an option to make an exception and you can safely do that in this case. When accessing a https URL served from XAMPP the default SSL certificate used by XAMPP will not be valid and the browser will issue a warning about an invalid certificate.If you have installed any previous web server or MySQL software, please uninstall or completely disable it before proceeding to ensure no conflicts arise.For the purposes of this article the names MariaDB and MySQL are interchangeable. The XAMPP installation package and control panel list it as MySQL. XAMPP comes with MariaDB which is MySQL compatible.Older versions of XAMPP can be downloaded from their archives if you need support for older versions of Windows.

XAMPP supports current versions of Windows and some more recent ones, check the documentation on the version you are downloading for compatibility.

It was written based on XAMPP version 7.4.7 for Windows, newer or older versions of XAMPP may have slightly different instructions.

While XAMPP is available for multiple operating systems and some of the instructions listed here will be applicable to those operating systems, this article is intended specifically for Windows based systems.
Fresh xampp install phpmyadmin no username password how to#
This article explains how to set up a developmental web server on your local computer complete with PHP, MariaDB, and phpMyAdmin using XAMPP software.